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Article Title :

Moroccan Women’s Movement Effective Agency in the Aftermaths of the Arab Spring

Feminist Research

4 (2020)



Democracy , effective agency , Moroccan Women’s Movement , Morocco

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Before the constitutional reforms of 2011 in Morocco, women’s movement in Morocco has - in many cases - stepped over the assumed democratically elected institutions and resorted directly to the king, to instigate reforms and change laws to attain its objectives. This has resulted in the reinforcement of the existing system of government and contributed to trivializing activism in Morocco. The 2011 political atmosphere and constitutional reforms have offered a momentum for women’s movement to thrive and reemerge as a powerful actor with more rights and significant roles in the political arena. In this regard, this paper aims to explain how women’s movement organization have become very efficient in actions namely after the new progressive provisions of the 2011 constitution. To achieve this, the paper uses a comparative approach to women’s movement activism in Morocco before and after 2011 constitutional reforms. It makes use of my doctorate research findings (2012) on women’s movement in Morocco, and on following the movement’s mobilizations during and after Arab spring on the ground and through media.

Moroccan women’s movements are efficiently mobilized in the aftermaths of the Arab Spring.

The study compares the Moroccan women’s movement activism before and after 2011 constitutional reforms.

The focus is on cases or issues in which the movement has used the provisions of the 2011 constitution to hold the government accountable.

Moroccan women’s movement changing modes of action shows a development towards more maturity and efficiency in its activism and mobilizations to ask for specific rights.


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